Anorexia and bulimia – Take a test of your knowledge


Question # 1: Anorexia affects mostly teen girls and young women; it rarely occurs in men.

A. True B. False

Question # 2: Bulimia is a disease that people limit significantly the consumption of food, and can diet level of hunger.

A. True B. False

Question # 3 Anorexia and bulimia are closely related to the problem in that they both are obsessed with food and fear of being fat.

A. True B. False

Question # 4: Bulimia is characterized binge eating (consuming large amounts of food is a short period) and usually end the binge because of abdominal pain or drowsiness.

A. True B. False

Question # 4: Most bulimic are aware that their behavior is inappropriate and that they have a problem, where anorexics deny they have a problem and reject offers of help.

A. True B. False

Question # 5: Among college students, 20% become bulimic and the percentage of those who are anorexic are even higher.

A. True B. False

Question # 6: Research shows that anorexics, the early history of feeling helpless and ineffective in controlling events in their lives. Anorexia gives them a rather radical way control.

A. True B. False

Question # 6: Many bulimic will induce vomiting overreacting and some may use laxatives or diuretics to lose weight.

A: True B. False

Question # 7: Because of the large loss of body fat female anorexics, many have stopped bleeding.

A. True B. False

Question 8: What the treatment of these eating disorders, anorexia has the reputation of being difficult to treat than bulimia.

A. True B. False

Question # 9: It is important that family eating disorder patient also involved in the treatment process.

A. True B. False

Question # 10: It is well known that sexual interest and libido (sex drive) decreases in subjects with anorexia nervosa as well as sexual behavior.

A. True B. False

Let’s see how well you scored .

Question # 1 is true . A higher proportion of women than men are diagnosed anorexia. One of the many reasons offered to explain this difference has to do with a general message that to be attractive to be thin. The pressure on teenagers and young women is high, with television and teen magazines, which bombard women. Early maturing women often feel a lot of pressure to be thin than late-maturing women.

Question # 2 false . Anorexics can become so thin that serious health issues are more likely and hospitalization may be required.

Question # 3 is true. Both of these eating disorders present people who fear being fat, where fear takes on a compulsive symptoms. This rigid thought patterns involves thinking about food and be thin on the ground recurring obsessions. In addition, other personality traits; introverted, social anxiety, perfectionism, over-control and depression.

Question # 4 is true. bulimic tend to have more understanding and less denial of eating disorders than anorexics. This was stated when I treat these disorders, as I pointed out time in time again, bulimic were more willing to seek treatment, follow psychotherapy guidance and want to participate in family therapy than anorexics. I believe that the research will support my observations.

Question # 5 is false. It is estimated that about 5% of college students are bulimic and even smaller percentage that are anorexic.

Question # 6 is true. In addition to voluntary induced vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics are often found. When all three methods are used to control the over-eat and be thin, many medical problems can cause.

Question # 7 true. Although menstrual bleeding appetite is complex, it is clear that their dieting found in this eating disorder affects menstrual activity of most teenagers and young women.

Question # 8 is true. The consensus of many medical and psychological experts is that anorexia is harder to treat primarily due to denial previously noted.

Question # 9 is true. The family is the primary social unit single family with an eating disorder will be the main concern for the family. Family members can strengthen the disease symptoms or encourage more adaptive behavior in the patient.

Question # 10 is true. It is well known that sexual interest is reduced in patients with anorexia nervosa. During treatment and rehabilitation, sexual interest is slowly returning.

Eating disorders are complex problems, both in terms of diagnosis and treatment. The treatment approach usually involves multi-disciplinary approach doctors and psychological experts. I’ve often taken Dietitians and nutritionists. If you have a family member with an eating disorder, find a therapist or treatment center experience in treating these disorders.


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