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Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Negative Thinking


not negative thoughts always just creep up on you, catching you unaware, and suddenly you just can not help but think about it again and again? When you get into a situation, do not ever think that you’re just going to fail, no matter what you do? Do you ever feel that there are things you just can not do, and you can never measure up? Are there times where you keep thinking about all the bad things in life and how nothing ever goes the way? If you said yes to any of it, you just have obsessive negative thinking disorder. It is a disease where you just can not help but think negative thoughts.

overcome obsessive negative thinking disorder is not that hard. Understand that you just can not stop thinking about it; the best thing to do is replace those thoughts with something positive. Not thinking about it will only cause you to obsess about it more and more. So you need to replace these thoughts with something healthier, something that will help you become a happier person. You see, the key to overcoming obsessive negative thinking disorder is to start thinking about something happier, better and more positive.

So, how do you do that? Whenever you catch yourself thinking something negative, answer back with something positive. For example, you think you’re going to fail the test, so what do you do? You start thinking, I can not fail. I may well indeed. In fact, I know I can pass and even ace this test. First, it can be difficult to change the way you think, but over time and with practice, it’s just easier and easier until it comes to a point that you do not even need to think about it so much. It now becomes something automatic, something that just comes to you naturally.

overcome obsessive negative thinking disorder can make it possible for you to become someone better. It is an opportunity to begin to see the world in a new light and believe that there is always a silver lining to every cloud. When you start to think positively, better things begin to come to you and before you know it, you are now where you want to be. You have already achieved your goals and you are now happy. In fact, you may even forget that you ever had obsessive negative thinking disorder.


Eating Disorders: How can I talk to my daughter about anorexia If she’s College



It is difficult to know how to approach your child about eating disorders if they are in college. You are limited to what she chooses to tell you it can be scary. There are some questions you can ask that will give you better results.

Here are some options to think about as you consider approaching your son or daughter.

• Is there a way we can talk about this so it’s easier for you? Are there certain words that I used to really bother you? If so, what words could I use instead?

• Can I check with you about this once a week so every conversation we do not focus on eating issues? When would be the best time for us to talk about it? I love you and it is not possible to not talk about it. I want to approach you in a way that feels most comfortable for you.

• What help are you willing to get? Will you meet with a counselor, nutritionist, doctor, counselor in schools or groups meeting in college? Let’s start with one … which one would you feel comfortable to try first? It is not possible to not get help. I love you and will not let you continue to hurt you. If you are not ready to get help where you are, you have to know that I will make arrangements to get you home so I can ensure that you are taken care of.

• Will you sign release so I can speak to those who care for you? I need to know you’re taking care of yourself by doing what they ask you to do. Again … if you are not ready for me to have the information that I will make arrangements to get you home so I can see me daily how you are doing

* Warning :. Don ‘t tell her that you will come to her home unless you are willing to follow through. She needs to know that you are serious and / or illness or self-harm her behavior is serious.


Healthy Eating and create Kids


Kids and teenagers have a very different lifestyle and diet as compared to adults. If you are an adult and have children of your own, I’m sure you would have experienced a seemingly endless amount of your kid’s energy and unhealthy craving for fast food and sweets. If you yourself are a child or a teenager, I’m sure you’re tired of your parents nagging and complaints “stop eating McDonalds!”, “Eat your vegetables!”, “Get some fruit”, “chips again?” . and various other objections eat

The truth is; if children or teenagers do not eat well, they will not develop properly, they will be more likely to be overweight, they will be susceptible to various diseases, cardiovascular diseases and acne, and they are likely to have erratic mood, experience depression and basically, experience less enjoyment of life

Now the million dollar question. “If I’m a parent, how am I going to get my kids to eat healthy, or, if I’m a teenager or a kid, how do I start to eat healthy?”.

For parents first important advice I can give you is: Kids imitate people they believe are good for photos. Therefore, trying to get kids to eat healthy has to start from you. When you have a balanced diet and enjoy a healthy life, your children will naturally begin to develop healthy eating and living habits themselves. I further below other advice and tips that I recommend to help promote healthy eating and living to your children

Eat together When the whole family sits at the table to eat breakfast or dinner , your children will observe what you cook or eat. Furthermore meal times are the best way to maintain and strengthen relations with children as families naturally tend to have a conversation over meals. Besides the health benefits of nutritious balanced meal, studies have shown that children who have a stable family relationships have greater self-esteem and tend to do better in school

Get them involved :. Whether you are shopping for groceries or cook meals, get the kids involved. Learn to read nutrition labels and teach them to your children when you are shopping. Compare and contrast the differences between the nutritional value of the product (ie. Potato and noodles) and help them choose the healthiest meals and snacks for lunch their boxes. The key is to also give them a little freedom for them to choose what food products they want. If they choose something that is unhealthy, gently remind them nutritional and advised that they should only eat them occasionally as a treat. When cooking, show them what really goes into the food they eat, and let them help with a ‘decorate’ and garnishing food, stir the soup or setting the table, etc. This encourages children to be proactive at home, leave for nutritious foods and promote family togetherness

Have healthy snacks within reach, putting unhealthy snacks out of reach :. Place fruit in the fruit bowl on the kitchen bench where it is most comfortable and where everyone can see. Or pre-cut fruits such as watermelon and put them in a Tupperware in the fridge for the best flavor and ease if your children are craving a quick snack. Nuts and low fat pretzels make a great snack, too, so open the package and pour them into the bowl for easy access. Snacks like chocolate, high-calorie muesli bars and candy should be stored in the top cabinet out of sight. The less your child sees it, the less likely he / she will eat it

using supplements :! If children are not touching their vegetables or teenager to have erratic eating habits due to peer group and social, supplements are a great way reward the lack of nutrients caused by unbalanced diet. For kids, look for supplements that have ‘fun’ flavors and shapes to make them enticing but ensure that it is free from any artificial flavors and sweeteners. Nutrients that are important to children around 5-12 years are calcium for growing bones and zinc to improve and sharpen memory. Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, folate, biotin and niacin are also important in providing children enough antioxidants for optimal protection against disease and optimal immune system. For teenagers, looking website that covers and offers a wide range of vitamins and minerals for optimum body support that this is the level at which their body is undergoing the most growth and development. Essential nutrients including vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, biotin, calcium, folic acid, iodine, lutein, lycopene, magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, rutin, selenium, thiamine, tumerikinu extract and zinc. Ensure that the website you’re buying with these vitamins and minerals as a minimum to ensure a healthy immune system function and optimal health for their growing adolescents bodies.


Now, children and adolescents first principle of sustainable healthy eating is not completely eliminate junk food out of your life. If you try to do it, this will usually lead to intensive junk food cravings that sooner or later, you’re more likely to give in and binge on. The trick is to enjoy the unhealthy stuff sometimes, and substitute or replace unhealthy for healthy content regularly!

I’ve listed some junk food healthier choice ideas to get you started. But … be creative! The possibilities for healthier options can be endless!

Burger <--------------> sandwich with lean meat and less dressing

Chicken nuggets <--------------> Actual real chicken covered in bread crumbs and baked

French / Hot chips <--------------> baked grilled chips with herb seasoning and minimal salt

deep fried chicken <--------------> barbecue chicken

Chips <--------------> nuts, pretzels, cookies, Grain Waves chips, microwave popcorn

Muesli bar <--------------> Muesli with honey or low fat, high fiber chocolate health bar

is <--------------> Frozen yogurt, smoothies and health shakes

Cookies <--------------> Bagels / rye bread with a thin layer of low fat strawberry jam

Chinese Take Away <--------------> Sushi

Takeaway pizza <--------------> Home-made pizza with pita bread as a base and fresh ingredients with low-fat cheese

Remember to also get enough of sleep for optimal health results! Sleep is important because it improves alertness and concentration (so you can do better in school!) And is the only part of the day where your body gets a chance to fully recuperate, recover and heal. Sleep, along with exercise, will also help increase your power to help you last in your party. Exercise, along with a healthy diet, to prevent illness and help support a healthy physique and a healthy growing body … you want!

Finally, avoid cigarettes and alcohol. There is a reason that they are bored. Both cigarettes and alcohol will affect the mental and physical health and increase the chances of developing the disease and lung cancer. The longer you’ve been indulging in them, the harder it is for you to stop and avoid them. So be smart, start young, start cultivating healthy habits early, and avoid harmful addictive habits and lifestyle.

If you are interested and would like further guidance and information to achieve a balanced diet and the consequences of a deficient diet, go for more articles specifically concerning these issues.

Now remember, start importance of healthy eating and habits from a young and will be with you for life. So … parents would say … Eat your greens! (Or at least some of it!)

~ Regina


Eating Disorders Causing loss


Eating disorders are very common among young men and women. They develop from pressure from society to look a certain way. The most common eating disorders developed from people who want to be slim or who think they are too fat. Anorexia and bulimia have been known to affect a large percentage of young people. However, these conditions harmful to health, losing the essential nutrients needed by the body. This is how eating disorders cause hair loss.

People who suffer from anorexia have a fear of becoming fat or gaining weight. Because of this fear, they start extreme dieting and sometimes extreme exercise as well. Even when feeling very hungry, suffering will resist eating the food. The condition is also accompanied by stress and depression. If there is no food eaten, there are no nutrients that are coming in. The body needs nutrients for cell growth and many other methods and essays nutrients are only made from the food we eat. Hair must be enough oxygen. Without nutrients, the cells die, causing hair loss.

Bulimia is another eating disorder related to anorexia. People with this disorder tend to overeat in a short time called bingeing and then induce vomiting or diarrhea. Diarrhoea is conduced by using laxatives. It is the loss of water and nutrients, especially potassium bulimia sufferers. Potassium is part of cells and is important for communication routes and opening pores cell entry of oxygen, nutrients, hormones and enzymes.

Overeating is also eating disorders affect hair. This situation also means of social pressure. Overeating leads mainly to weight gain and obesity. Obesity is a serious problem, as it affects health as much as weight loss. Obese people with little oxygen. This means that it will reduce the oxygen to the scalp where there is a need of hair cells. Fat may be deposited in the arteries that supply blood to the scalp. The clogging of the arteries this means that there is a decreased blood flow. Blood is rich in nutrients and oxygen.

well-balanced diet is very important for the part of the body to function normally. A nutritionist can advise you on the optimum dietary intake. Each diet should be sufficient protein, starch, vitamins, fiber, vitamins, fat and minerals. Each of these factors is necessary for different functions in the body. Exercise is also essential for a healthy body. A good diet along with exercise increases blood flow in the body. The increase in nutrients and oxygen ensures that cells are healthy. Healthy hair cells will continue to divide and hair will continue to grow healthy.

Eating disorders cause hair loss can be a major problem. Side effects are mainly the problems of self-esteem. Losing your hair will reduce trust further. To search for treatment of eating disorders. Sufferers can go for advice in order to promote self-esteem. Being able to eat right will increase hair growth.


Treatments and drugs dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)


Treatment DID is difficult for several reasons. Some of the reasons are the confidentiality on the part of the customer to make him or her reluctant to seek help, including problems in the diagnosis of the disorder when the client presents. Usually, a person with DID will require years of treatment. Generally DID patient needs to get a few different treatment methods over a period of 5-7 years, or may be more

Some of treatments available to a DID patient can be

– Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is the primary treatment of dissociative disorders. This form of therapy, also known as talk therapy, counseling or psychological therapy, involves talking about the distortion of the mental health professional. The therapist will help the patient to remember and work with trauma that triggered the dissociative symptoms (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2007). The course of psychotherapy can be long and painful, but this treatment approach can be effective in the treatment of DID

– Creative Art Therapy :. This therapy uses the creative process to help people who might have difficulty expressing their thoughts and feelings. Creative art therapy includes art, dance and movement, drama, music and poetry. Things like keeping a diary or creating art is also encouraged during treatment to bring past and present together (Baxter, 2007)

– Medications: Although there are no drugs that specifically treat the dissociative disorders, Medications like anti -depressants or sedatives are very common treatment method because of the personalities may have anxiety or mood disorders and drugs can help control psychiatric symptoms associated with the disorder. Generally, drugs are not recommended for maintenance and efficient use of prescriptions given many countries personality is difficult to achieve. If medication is prescribed, it should be closely monitored (Psych Central, 2006)

– Alternative medicine :. The therapist can recommend hypnosis as part of treatment for dissociative disorder. Hypnosis creates a state of deep relaxation and quiets the mind. The hypnotized state, the patient can focus on a specific thought, memory, feeling or sensation while blocking out distractions (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2007). Hypnosis is also perceived to be an effective treatment to uncover painful repressed memories or even to help stop the behavior performed by changes such as self-mutilation or eating disorders. Hypnosis is also used in “fusing” process. Hypnosis is usually a safe adjuvant treatment method. Some doctors also believe in botanical medicine, message and yoga as an effective treatment (Baxter, 2007)

– Self-Help :. Online self-help are a growing trend, and people with DID are beginning to form online self-help groups, in addition to the traditional (in person) self-help groups (Psych Central, 2006).


My daughter has anorexia – FAQ eating disorder Parents


Why can not she just eat? She can not eat because eating disorder will not let her. It sounds bizarre, but when your daughter across the invisible line between losing weight and appetite, it may just as well have entered the Twilight Zone. And like it or not, you are there with her, and nothing is as it appears.

What can I do? The first thing you have to accept is that there is one thing you can “not do. You can not fix this or talk her out of it. You have to think logically and rationally, she is not. She is affected by eating disorders and who she listens most depends on how far down the road it is the illness. You have to compete with all the other voices she hears in her head now, and yours is a ways down the list.

Well, I can not fix it, what can I do? You can educate yourself about eating disorders and get her and your family get the help they need. You’re reading this, so you’re already do the first part. Most parents can not fight the illness of his daughter without help. Minimally they need someone to train them through what to do and what not to do and to give them the information. You have to do research to find the right person or treatment for your child.

How can I find the right treatment for my child? If you do not have the luxury of word of mouth referrals and many parents do not; doctors, pediatricians and nutritionists are always a good place to start. You can call other therapists in the area or get online and contact the nearest eating disorder TREATMENT CENTER or inpatient hospital. Most facilities have a list of therapists who have referred customers to their program and many have a list of referral sources for parents like you. If there is no option near you, contact the many applications where you have several therapists in your area to choose from.

what questions I ask your therapist? main questions I wanted to ask is what is their experience with eating disorders, how much they include family therapy (the more the better), and they could put past clients in contact with you. So there will be word of mouth referrals and you will feel more confident your child will be in good hands. There are families that I have worked in the past are more than willing to offer support and information to others around me and their experiences with me.


Teenage Girls + Media = low self-esteem


Is it really true that teenage girls + media = low self-esteem?

Version impact of the media on teenagers has generated a lot of interest in

last decade. Despite conflicting findings, all researchers agree that teenage

girls group is focused on their looks – especially what they do not like

respectively! Marketing departments and ad agencies spend millions each year

target teenage girls who spend much of their hard-earned dollars (and their

parents’ hard-earned dollars!) On looking good. Although the message “girl

power “is prevalent in the marketing message today, so irrefutable idea

as “sexy” and “thin” are!

The dieting industry alone generates 40 billion dollars a year in America. If

you believe diets are just for adults, you will be shocked to learn that

Harvard study (Fat Talk, Harvard University Press), published in 2000 revealed

to 86% of teenage girls are on a diet or believe they should be the one. Diets

are common among teens and children. According to the National Eating

Disorders Association, 51% of 9 and 10 year old girls actually feel better about

themselves when on a diet. As a society, our obsession with thin is relatively

again. Most people (especially teens) are shocked to find that sex icon Marilyn

Monroe actually wore a size 14!

But pick up a fashion magazine today and you will find the model that are thinner than

98% of all girls and women in America. Turn on the TV and see ‘sexy’

celebrities such as Shania Twain, Britney Spears and Pamela Anderson baring

their flesh. It is these models that have become the standard of what is

Vogue in the twenty-first century.

Do Teenage Girls have low self-esteem because of Media?

One of the most fascinating shows on self-image for teens was aired on Discovery

Channel “Sex Files” program (Episode 12: Girl Power). The exhibition, which they

reported on eating disorders on the island of Fiji. In 1995, this tropical

paradise had only 3 percent of girls with eating disorders in 1995.

The Western television were introduced, including “hits” Currently,

Melrose Place and Xena: Warrior Princess. Three years later, eating

disorders in girls on the island rose to 15%. A surprising follow-up study

reported 74% of Fijian girls feeling “too fat or big” and 62% had dieted in

last month – surprising in a culture that generally supports women Dictionary


Five Ways to Secure Media is not conducive to low self-esteem in adolescence


Fortunately, parents have a major impact on self-esteem teenage girl – the more so

but even in the media. So there is much that we as parents can do to ensure our

adolescent girls’ self-esteem soars! Here are five good parents tips

1. encourage and support Achievements daughter’s and passions Focus.

what it is that your teenage daughter is good at. If she enjoys math, animals

, or song, press it. Recognizing the existence of pretty girls in the media

with, “Obviously, the beauty is one of his gifts. You have had many gifts

yourself! “The mention of these offerings as well as you can.

2. Help your daughter Get in touch with reality. We are bombarded with

ultimate idealized model of what a woman should look like. But the fact is less

than 1% of the girls out there will ever be a super model. In addition, one

can compete with computer airbrushing! Share these facts with your daughter. And

Please note that if you are complaining about your own “thunder thighs”, this

messages go straight to the heart of your daughter. Determine to raise

your own identity. No one, including you, is perfect. It is our imperfections

that really make us human. Have the courage to be imperfect makes our lives

easier and much more joyful.

3. Focus on Healthy lifestyle – The less junk food you keep around

house, the less you and your family will eat it! Are you and your family

favor – Stock up on healthy stuff and avoid insisting on second

helpings. If the scope of your home is a bit of an obsession, consider tossing

out. Instead of focusing on how well and how healthy each of you feel instantly.

4. Contribute to others – preoccupation with our own our weight can be

positively transformed when we start focusing on others. Volunteerism increases

self-esteem. Volunteer as a family, bring a smile to others, and you’ll be all

reminded of how truly fortunate you are.

5. Encourage Dad to pay attention in a positive way – Help dad leave

how harmful intentioned teasing about weight or appearance can be. Prompt

him to spend time with his daughter focusing on all the things that she is great


It is sad that many teenage girls and women feel that they need to be someone

unless they truly are. It’s time to come clean for us, for

, women and our children, by starting to love the person we are – faults

and everything. Embrace imperfection gives us the opportunity to see all

awesome thing about us: to recognize that we have good eyes, good

breasts, nice legs, what good! And as we stop hiding our faults, suddenly our

psychological zits will become a beauty marks that make us stand out



Monster Aspire by simple malnutrition


One of the first taps on the shoulder you get when you have vitamins, minerals, amino acids or fatty acid deficiency, is desire. Repeated desire are repeated taps on the shoulder – clues to pay attention to. Signs to look deeper. Yes, it can be emotional causes, but nutrients are always part of the picture.

Most nutrient deficiencies go unnoticed, so you have to be a nutrition detective to find them. It is not so difficult.

Listen to your body. Really. Desire certain foods, continually, can indicate more than just a desire – or addiction. At root, these are vitamins, minerals, amino acid and fatty acid deficiencies. Get control of Monster

desire and Addictions

SPECIAL craving and addiction

(Is the method behind the madness?)

love certain foods is one that makes the world go ’round. We all have our desires – foods that make our tongue hanging out. Abnormal food cravings, however, seem like an obsession. They can lead to a distorted perception of food and even eating disorders. When children and adults crave certain foods, it is often the reason – the reason given body needs – nutrient deficiencies


Need for brain fuel or power – (Carbohydrates fuel the brain)

Need body fuel or energy – .. (Carbohydrates fuel the body)

Lack of amino acids or proteins

infection or yeast in the body. Bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites, cancer cells thrive on sugar

Alcohol (all types) :.

Need for brain fuel or energy

Need for body fuel or energy

Hypoglycemia – poor sugar metabolism and protein deficiency

The presence of yeast in the body – As alcohol is fermented, yeast or Candida in the body can cause you to crave alcohol to feed the yeast. This is especially true with beer and wine

Bread, cereal, pasta :.

Need for brain and body fuel

balance blood sugar

the presence of infection or yeast in the body


Need for minerals support adrenal glands in energy production

dehydration or the need for water – body wants salt to help keep. water


Need for EFA’s (essential fatty acids) for the entire energy

Need for proteins / amino acids for proper nerve to balance brain chemistry

need protein / amino acids for muscle fuel

Spicy or highly seasoned food

Need for nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals

need for zinc – When deficient, it can lead to impaired sense of taste and smell. Some have strong tasting food because they do not taste anything else

Ice: ..

Need for iron – Person may be anemic

Need for folic acid, B6 or B12

Dirt or clay

Need for minerals or other nutrients – people with eating disorders, Pica, crave non-food substances. The body is looking for nourishment from dirt, clay, soap, paint chips, cigarette ashes or broken crockery. Serious deficiencies minerals, as well as the toxic metal can lead to this disorder

answer to eliminating desire is -. Correcting deficiencies. Add nutrients. You can find it out yourself with the list above, or you can get the specialized testing to determine individual issues. Generally, I recommend

1) Bio Terrain test to look at the vitamins, minerals or antioxidants deficiencies

2) neurotransmitter test to show defects amino acid and brain chemical imbalances

These are simple collections of urine, easy for adults as well as children. And if you have a PPO insurance policy and you’ve met your deductible this year, a neurotransmitter test is actually free. Lab tests under all PPO’s. What a great gift. It is rare in Natural Medicine field to have something covered by insurance!

Act now to keep cravings under control during the holiday period, will help you avoid some of the common hazards. Imagine if everyone kept their blood sugar balance, brain fuel and immune system strong during the holidays. We want to argue, less depression, and relatively no colds or flues. The trickle down effect would be enormous!


What to do when kids eating habits are out of control


This is a common problem with families across the board. Obesity in children is increasing and we need to help our children now, before they reach adulthood and start bad eating circuit with their families. Healthy eating begins at a young age. if you start your toddler off at healthy as fresh fruit and veggie snacks you will start on the right. Now this is not to say they will never touch junk food. Of course they will! But the important thing is that they will eat less of it. Although sometimes no matter how hard you try eating the child get out of control and so is their weight.

here are 5 things to do when eating habits of the child are way out of control.

Educate yourself: you and your family need to understand the reasons for the bad eating habits and what healthy eating really means. The best way I know to this far to read about this online. I know it takes a little time and effort but it is worth it for the health of the child and family.

It does not take a lot of expensive books and manuals to learn how to eat in a healthy way. You do not have to obsess about it just make some changes and use common sense. Then examine the eating habits of the family and you will understand why the child is getting into bad habits

lead by example :. To take control of the bad habits you need to get the whole family involved. Many bad habits are simply learned at home. Children learn from examples and opposing views, the number of people not all of these habits come from peers.

So the first thing to do is to get the whole family involved. When the whole family is eating better way you will be surprised to see that your child will often follow the same example. Now this will not solve all the problems, but will go a long way to resolve the situation. When the whole family is eating in a healthy way your child will not feel they are being singled out and they will feel that they have support and can change their eating habits.

Do not nag your child this will only make matters worse: The biggest mistake in getting the child back to healthy eating track is to be constantly reminding them that they are overweight and should stop eating junk. Constant nagging will push them to break up and eat even more debris. I know because I made the mistake myself

Get rid of unhealthy foods out of the house :. This is difficult to do. Go through all the food in the house and get rid of all the junk food. You know what they are … chips, candy, cakes and biscuits, etc. Do not forget to get rid of soda. The important thing to remember when you do this is when you have gotten rid of the junk food that you must be very sure to buy something more from the grocery store

minute alternative to junk food and soda :. Of course you can not expect family just “cold turkey” when you get rid of junk food you have to replace them tasty snack with other things. Fruits are a good choice. Sugar free drinks can be replaced with juices and soda. Try to encourage the family to drink more water. Is it possible to take sugar free ice cream in moderation. You can make fun Veggie snack; there are many quick recipes for healthy snacks on the Internet. Utilizing a slow cooker to prepare a good meal for your family to be ready when you come home from work. This will prevent the fast food habit.

If you take action today, you can get your child’s eating habits back control and when they lose those extra pounds you’ll both be glad you made sacrifices. Do not forget to praise your child on a weight loss of this will make them realize that they have achieved something and will make them feel better about themselves.


Mood Control – Food, neurotransmitters and restore calm


You and I know that we can not always control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we react to them. What happens, however, when your having a bad week, your peri-menopausal or pre-menstrual? Well science could answer.

Let me introduce you the world brain chemistry and powerful group of natural chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Communication in the brain is a multi-billion maze of connections able to perform 20 million billion calculations per second. Yes, I did say 20 billion!

How does this intricate network work? Well there are three major players:

  • neurons, which power the message,
  • Neurotransmitters, which create a message and
  • receptors that receive messages.

In simple words, a neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger from one nerve cell to find its way to another nerve cell where the effect of certain chemical reactions to occur. Neurotransmitters control major bodily functions including movement, emotional response and physical our ability to experience pleasure and pain.

neurotransmitters also initiate specific functions in our bodies and our nervous system. This transmitter can create and manage a variety of emotions, mood and even thoughts – from depression, anxiety and addiction, feelings of confidence, the high or low self-esteem, competitive spirit and can even affect our deep sleep.

A neurotransmitter imbalance can cause depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability bowel dysfunction hormones, eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, obsessions, compulsions, adrenal insufficiency, chronic pain, migraine headaches, and even early death. Scientific and Medical studies show that the brain use more than 35 different neurotransmitters, some of them that we can control and some we can not.

It seems, however, that we can control five of the major neurotransmitter with exercise and nutrition, and our thoughts and behavior.

Most neurotransmitters are the amino acids obtained from protein in the food you consume. Two of the most important neurotransmitters are serotonin and dopamine, sometimes called ‘happy’ drugs. They seem to play a leading role in determining our moods and thoughts.

Dopamine, fuel for motivation and encouragement

brain uses dopaminergic competitive spirit stimulation, alertness, attention, and (a form of mild aggression). Dopamine is also necessary for the coordinated muscle movement.

dopamine is a neurotransmitter needed for healthy assertiveness and sexual arousal, proper immune and autonomic nervous system function. Dopamine is important for motivation and a sense of readiness to meet the challenges of life.

One of the most vulnerable major neurotransmitters, dopamine levels are reduced due to stress or poor sleep. Alcohol, caffeine and sugar also appear to decrease dopamine activity in the brain. It is easily oxidized, because we need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables antioxidants protect dopamine neurons using the damage caused by free radicals.

Dopamine is made from the amino acid tyrosine. Once produced, dopamine can, in turn, transform into brain chemicals norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Low dopamine can cause depression, fatigue, excessive need for sleep, and can even make you terminate everyday events, such as going to work or wanting to be with people.

Dopamine is a building block for the production of adrenaline, which stimulates us to action if we are scared or worried. These natural medicines are also necessary for us to be competitive, especially in the highly- competitive sports, business and corporate life.

Boost alertness with protein. Without going into the detailed chemistry of the brain, a small amount (100 to 150 grams) of protein-rich foods will elevate dopamine levels and have a significant effect on mood and brain function. The effect can be found within a 10-to-30 minutes. Protein foods are broken down into amino acids, the building blocks of acid digestion. One amino acid, called tyrosine, will increase the production of dopamine, nor epinephrine and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters are known for their ability to increase levels of alertness and energy. No one eats pure tyrosine, but eating foods high in protein will give you a slight mental boost. High Protein foods include fish, poultry, meat and eggs. If you can not eat them, try high protein foods that also contain significant amounts of carbohydrates, such as vegetables, cheese, milk, or tofu.

Many of us eat a high carbohydrate breakfast cereals have become a common form of morning meal. One of my friends is a highly respected organic pharmacists and it is his opinion that breakfast is the time of day to eat a high protein meal.

Serotonin, restore calm

Serotonin is a calming neurotransmitter important to maintain a good mood, feelings of joy and is responsible for normal sleep. In addition to the central nervous system, serotonin is also found on the walls of the intestine (enteric nervous system that) and platelet cells that promote blood clotting.

Serotonin plays an important role in regulating memory, learning, and blood pressure, as well as appetite and body temperature. Low serotonin levels produce insomnia and depression, aggression, increased sensitivity to pain, and is associated with obsessive-compulsive disorders eating.

This neurotransmitter also helps the brain focus, heightening concentration levels.

Low serotonin can create anxiety, feelings of insecurity, anger, fear, depression, and can even lead to suicidal thoughts. Now have you ever wondered why you eat more in the winter? It has a lot to do with how serotonin or lack of it, and a condition called decent enough SAD or Seasonal Affected Disorder.

With the lack of sunlight in winter, your body produces a larger amount of a hormone called melatonin, which consumes serotonin phone. Studies have shown that when this happens, the body craves carbohydrates, which produce serotonin and makes us feel good. This is when we want the comfort foods like cookies, pizza or chocolate!

Eating carbohydrates will trigger the release of insulin in the blood stream. Insulin goes about clearing all the amino acids from the blood, with the exception of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that normally gets crowded out by other amino acids in an attempt to cross the blood brain barrier, but when competitors are out of the way, it takes the brain. Once in the brain, tryptophan is converted into serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that influences reduce pain, loss of appetite, and producing a sense of calm and of large quantities, inducing sleep. Studies have shown that dieters tend to become depressed about two weeks in the diet, the time their serotonin levels have decreased due to reduced carbohydrate intake.

summer sunlight reduces the production of melatonin, serotonin eater and because it is easier to diet in summer. Summer makes us feel great and this theory could explain why people head for the sun in winter

This gave me an idea of ​​why I became a carbohydrate addict -. The more carbohydrates I ate the more I produce serotonin and like any drug addict I craved more and more carbs to get more and more kick at the ‘feel goods. The result was that I was fat, even though I went to the gym four or five times a week! My energy levels dropped, I was constantly tired and became very difficult to live with. I did not go to the gym. I was an overdose of carbohydrates leading to a hormonal disorder called insulin resistance.

Serotonin is made from tryptophan in sufficient vitamins B1, B3, B6 and folic acid. The best food sources of tryptophan include brown rice, cottage cheese, meat, peanuts and sesame seeds. Choline is another B complex vitamin that is concentrated in high cholesterol foods such as eggs and liver. Lack of choline can cause impairment of memory and concentration. Choline is a precursor of the brain neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Acetylcholine associated memory. People treated with drugs that inhibit acetylcholine flunk test memory. Low levels of acetylcholine have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and poor memory. What a good excuse to put the egg back to the diet plan!

How can you control ‘happy drug “normal.

Being balanced is the answer, not too much or too little of anything. Excessive protein or carbohydrates over time will eventually have side effects impact on how you feel and behave at work and at home.

eating certain foods and exercise at the right level at the right time for the lifestyle is a keystone to control your mood and create feelings of happiness and relaxation.

If you are a professional athlete, you require a different approach to control neurotransmitter teachers, taxi driver or the CEO. Also, body chemistry every person is different and needs to be taken into account. I would recommend that you consult a nutritionist who understand how food and neurotransmitters work to meet the needs of health and lifestyle.

There’s a lot more to brain chemistry, mood control and performance, but it is food for another article.

Quick Tip

Small amounts (100 to 150 g) of protein-rich foods will elevate dopamine levels and have a significant effect on mood and brain function. That is why many nutritionists recommend some protein with breakfast. It increases energy and gives you the rush to seize the day

A list of ways to manage neurotransmitters

Some proteins that affect dopamine levels are :.

  • fish such as salmon, raw tuna and flounder.
  • Chicken without skin, eggs and turkey.
  • Small amounts of red meat.
  • beans, and chickpeas and lentils.
  • aerobic exercise and dopamine levels

    If you need to temporarily lower levels of dopamine to relax, not competition (why non? Competitive competition increases dopamine) aerobic exercise could help so as

    • Running and walking for effective health benefits.
    • firing.
    • Rowing in the gym.
    • Strong cycling at the gym or home exercise bike.

    Some carbohydrates that affect serotonin levels

  • whole grains such as brown rice, oats and corn.
  • Good quality bread, pasta and bagels.
  • vegetables such as potatoes and squash.
  • Simple sugar.
  • Movement and serotonin

    To regulate serotonin you have less vigorous exercise such as:

    • stroll in the park or along your favorite beach phone.
    • Gentle cycling along the river or flat bike paths.
    • stretching exercises.
    • Gentle Yoga.
    • Reading.
    • Listen to music.
    • Meditation and even prayer (best type of prayer to regulate serotonin levels is a prayer of gratitude).
