Eating Disorders – References and their impact on your child


There are several indicators of eating disorders, which are shown by people who have the condition. Although many studies have been conducted on the disease, it has not yet been a concrete cause or treatment found that could be used for all individuals suffering from one of the many eating disorder around nowadays. The disorder is primarily found in the pre-teen or teen girls who are usually over-achievers. The disorder can start a diet to mushroom in disorder.

These effects are very harmful and difficult to detect unless the family and loved ones are aware of evidence showing potential problems. A teen may seem to be a picky eater or rarely eat a meal at home. This combined with the dramatic weight loss can be a clear indication that the teen is not eating, or not eating properly. A teen who vomit after eating meals regularly may have an eating disorder bulimia, which needs to be considered professional. Friends and family are usually in the best position to detect changes in behavior and see signs of a disorder manifesting itself.

Most young people who suffer eating disorders feel they have no control over their lives. They may feel empowered when they can control what they are eating. Most of these individuals excel in athletics, academics and social interaction. They are well thought through and do not get into trouble. They are usually people please to work very hard to fit in and meet the desires and expectations of authority figures.

Most eating disorders start gradually and by the time they are identified, long-term treatment should be carried out. The sooner treatment begins for these conditions, the more successful a person with the disorder is to overcome the situation. One measure of the teenagers who develops acute interest in nutrition, exercise and calories. Most adolescents with eating disorders know the calories of every morsel of food that goes into their mouths and will exercise compulsively to get rid of calories they can consume from food. In some cases, teens will refuse to eat any food that is not in the form that can be accounted for. They will eat a certain number of beans, macaroni or other small food, then exercise to burn calories they feel they have got to eat that food.

Another indication is that teenagers feel bulky, layered clothing and refuses to change clothes or wear shorts in front of people. They feel fat, are hiding their bodies, and can have a significant level of modesty. An anorexic sees themselves as fat no matter how much weight they lose and layering clothes is too large, the way in which they can hide their bodies from others.

When teenagers will not wear shorts in the hot summer, or feel layered bulky clothing at all times, it is a good indication that there may be some body image issues and a professional will be of great assistance in determining how deep the issue goes.

If a person has bad and thinning hair, sallow skin, and is constantly tired, they may be showing symptoms of eating disorders. When the body is not getting the nutrients it needs, the skin becomes very thin and organs of the body will begin to break down. It will be important when these signs appear as a family and friends get professional help to deal with the disorder and help the person with the disorder define a new body image.


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