Eating Disorders: Consider Maud Helmsley approach before sending your child Away From Home For Help


The lie parents often take is that there is nothing they can do to help anorexic child. This lie can create tunnel vision so parents think that the only option for treatment in-patient hospitalization.

There are a lot of different opinions when it comes to the best kind of eating disorder treatment. People’s views are often greatly affected by the success or failure of any clinical trial with his child.

Recently I had a very angry parent contact me. He said it was my duty to inform parents that in-patient treatment is the best and only way. He also if I did not express this “fact” immediately; I was just assist parents wasting their money and valuable time.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If I had to guess, I would assume that this person tried everything, and nothing but in-patient care worked in the end. Therefore, it is now the opinion of his hospitalization “only” approach that can help a child with ED.

Again, the man has a right to his opinion. But then again so do you; I also matters. It will probably never be able to find a treatment that works for everyone. Eating disorders simply introduce too many variables for a single solution to help every person.

Parents have a natural instinct to save and protect their children. So when they are told by numerous doctors or therapists only way to save their child is to send them away; they feel trapped. They will do anything it takes to fix his son or daughter.

The most important thing you need to know is that there are many families who can and do not help their children at home. Whether professional do the treatment at home or not, is skeptical or not, does not diminish the fact that there are home treatments. And often it works.

This home-based treatment technique is called FBT (Family-Based Treatment) or The Maud Helmsley Approach. It is a viable option and I’ve seen it work too often to believe that the only effective approach to eating disorder treatment is to remove the child from the home.

This home-based approach could work for you and your baby. It is absolutely worth a try before you decide to send you child away from home and family for treatment. I strongly encourage you to check it out before making any decisions about treatment for your child.


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