Eating disorders and nutrition in adolescents and adolescents


Teens need slightly more calories than adults of the same size do because they are still continuing to grow and are still in development both inside and outside. There are three eating disorders that can seriously affect the health and happiness of these teenagers, including obesity / overweight, anorexia and bulimia. What is serious for different reasons and will be dealt with to address the physiological and psychological aspects of these diseases.

Teens usually have poor food habits, leaving them open defects in essential nutrients. The most common of these are calcium, zinc and iron, though there are a number of other vitamins and minerals that teenagers just do not get enough regular either. Follow the typical American teenagers around for a full day and you’ll be taken on a tour of fast food eating establishments in the area. They feed on a large burger, dripping with grease and slices of pizza that can account for more than 1/3 of their daily calories.

Even teenagers who have suddenly “go” vegetarian may not be getting the right nutrients because they do not know how to balance the foods they eat, and may be eating only one food group at a time. One teen vegetarian was reportedly living on macaroni and cheese and some fruit, causing his mother to bring her to the doctor. The girl was lacking in the number of trace elements including health concerns. Not only did the girl needs some supplements to restore his health, she needs a lesson in proper nutrition as well. It is a myth that vegetarians and vegans do not get enough proper nutrition, if they eat a varied and balanced diet they get all their bodies need to be healthy and strong, including protein (Source: Vegetarian Society).

number of American teenagers who are overweight has tripled in recent years, rising from 5% in 1980 to over 17% in 2004. These young people are more than twice as likely to be overweight or obese than their peers in 14 other industrialized countries and tend to be in worse health, incidence of hypertension, cholesterol problems and type II diabetes greater as well (Source: Papalia, Olds, Feldman, 2008)


Anorexia is mainly seen in young women, but it can affect anyone of any age and both sexes. It is believed to be caused by emotional, psychological and social factors rather than physical motivations. There are studies that suggest that anorexia has some genetic basis and statistically condition appears more often in girls born early or those who had kept any of the difficult birth. (Source: Carlson, 2008)

Anorexia is a very serious with less than 50% of patients always make a full recovery. Five to ten percent of the girls were anorexia die from complications of the disease or suicide. Most anorexics develop osteoporosis at high risk for serious violations of the bone may not heal properly due to lack of nutrition to make it. They also tend to stop menstruation and may have hair loss, weak, brittle nails and dry skin. More seriously, they tend to have enlarged hearts and shrunken brain. They will often become obsessed with exercise, pushing him to continue to practice despite the fact that they are not eating at all. As they continue to push themselves, they will begin to break down muscle tissue to burn for energy, which leads to loss of lean mass.


bulimic will alternately eating large amounts of food (binge) and then throw it up (clean) in the cycle that they will soon lose control. Bulimic get caught up in this cycle and will find new ways to make themselves vomit long after they have lost the gag reflex and will also abuse laxatives, possibly leading to loss of sphincter control as well. Women are ten times more likely to develop bulimia than men (Source: Carlson, 2008)

In addition to the loss of gag reflex, protective mechanisms of the throat and loss of muscle control the lower intestine chronic laxative use, tend bulimic to erode the enamel of the teeth, scars their throats with continued vomiting and cause other physical damage including, irregular heartbeat, and the possibility of stomach rupture. Bulimic can also develop anorexia if not treated immediately.

deal nutrition

The average teenage girl needs 2,200 calories a day the average teenage boy in need of a bit more than this. Before teenagers start obsessing about weight and body image, it is important to establish the proper weight and calorie intake should be. The right amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates should be included in this number and should be discussed with young people so that they feel like they have control over their own health and nutrition. Help them learn how important each of macronutrients and how to make the best choice for each of them.


Although adolescents (and adults) who are concerned about their weight might try to avoid the word “fat” they need to understand that healthy fat sources are actually beneficial and should be included in a healthy diet, even for those who are trying to lose weight. Fats should make up 15-20% of daily calories and should be in a healthy variety, including monounsaturated fats like olive oil. The youth should learn to steer clear of polyunsaturated and saturated fats and trans fats in their diet, especially if they are high risk for high cholesterol and heart disease.


Another of the word chronic Dieter does not like, carbohydrates are essential to a healthy diet because they are a source of energy that the body turns first. It is a myth that all carbs are created equal: Simple carbs burn rapidly and cause the body to go into sugar panic mode, storing away the sugar in huge quantities and do not burn any fuel. Complex carbohydrates like those in whole grain bread and vegetables take longer for the body to break down and do not cause sugar surges at all. Food is broken down into glucose for energy and glycogen storage and there is no flood of insulin to cause extreme storage and weight gain.

The teenagers should learn the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, and learning to use the glycemic index of foods to make their choice of food. Complex carbohydrates should make up 50-60% of daily calories.


Some teens will start a diet and forget that they need a variety of foods to be healthy and strong. Eat one food item per day; they may stop eating at all. They should be taught to eat only one food, even a healthy one, leaves them deficient in other nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Teens need to get between 20-35% of their daily calories from protein, preferably a healthy, low fat sources. The teenagers can continue to explore vegetarianism while to get the right amount of healthy protein. For parents who are afraid that their teen is lacking, there are supplements that provide the right amount of protein and can still be completely cool and appealing to teenagers, even the picky ones.

profect from Protic is a protein supplement that provides 25 grams of protein per 100 calorie serving (perfect as a snack between meals or with food). It also provides vitamin C and B complex vitamins and comes in fruity flavors that may appeal to teenagers.


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