Eating Treatment – Dealing with the side effect of Modern Society


The need for eating disorder treatment is rapidly becoming more and more common, and eating disorders are increasing among the population. Much of this is because the original body would put on display in popular culture, whether film, television, music or fashion business. These near-perfect body – often surgery or digital extras – have created an unrealistic expectation of many people about what their own body should look like, and in many cases leads to a variety of common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating.

eating disorder treatment with the same result has been difficult to establish. Treatment needs to be individualized, women and men who suffer from eating disorders have their own unique circumstances that have led to distortions. Many people who suffer from eating disorders refuse to accept help, and indeed often believe that there is nothing wrong with their behavior, especially the behavior is reinforced by the media about the reputation of the community.

need for eating disorder treatment

Eating disorders are psychological problems can have serious physical effects. Anorexia is the most dangerous and has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Anorexia is characterized by weight loss and self-starvation, driven by the belief that one is overweight. Patients are considered anorexic when their weight falls below 15% of the recommended body weight and they still consider themselves “fat” and trying to lose more weight. Effects of self-starvation diet of serious, and can lead to complete physical breakdown and eventually death.

bulimia is similar to anorexia, but differs in that the patient will also be involved in uncontrolled binge eating, followed by unhealthy habits to get rid of the consumed food. This is known as “binge and clean” behavior, characterized by worries over eating, and then cleaned by vomiting massive use of laxatives, diet pills or other methods. Bulimia creates a cycle of preoccupation with weight and food, after a period of self-loathing and depression. It is often triggered by major life changes, shocks and sexual or physical abuse.

Binge eating is another common eating disorder, which creates a feeling of shame and guilt in those who suffer from it. It is characterized by uncontrolled urges to eat a lot of food in a short time, usually in an effort to feel better, but often taken to the point that the patient feels very badly. Those who suffer from binge eating are often considered more shameful by the community, and get less sympathy than anorexia or bulimia sufferers. However, it is just as complicated – and dangerous -. A state

Finally, a more rare and less overtly dangerous eating disorder is Ortherexia nervosa, which is unhealthy for the quality of food and restrictive eating regimen that may include only a short list of approved foods. This situation, however, can also be very unhealthy and lead to a form of self-starvation of certain foods, such as carbohydrates or proteins, as food groups suffering has decided to exclude.

eating disorder treatment methods

Because eating disorders are psychological in nature, the most common response of Western medicine is to prescribe antidepressants. However, there are effective treatments, cognitive behavioral therapy, which interrupts the harmful behavior patterns and thoughts of self and interpersonal psychotherapy, which uncover the underlying causes of the behavior in the first place. Hypnotherapy as a form of cognitive behavioral therapy has been known to work, but only when the patient has reached the point of understanding how destructive and misguided thinking has been this.

Often the most successful eating disorder treatment occurs in specialized environments, such as residential facilities, intensive treatment is part of the daily planning and fellow patients help create a sympathetic support. Family support is also important, and a big part of eating disorder treatment must focus on educating them about the severity of the patient condition. Often it is the mixed messages from the community – a fascination with celebrity parties and callous disregard for those who suffer from eating disorders -. That help fuel the symptoms in the first place

Good eating disorder treatment program will follow three steps:

  • help the patient through nutrition counseling to achieve a healthy body weight,
  • dealing with underlying psychological issues and behaviors that create a state in the first place
  • focus on long-term recovery and improved identity and acceptance, as well as make the patient realize how distorted media representation of the ideal body are.

need for eating disorder treatment is very much a modern phenomenon, created in part by our fascination with celebrity culture and our demands of her. Celebrities themselves are very aware of the importance of body image has become, and if they want to remain in demand, they shall comply communities their expectations. It is no wonder that much of this psychological impairment affects the public at large and in some cases leading to serious weight issues. As a society it is important that we educate ourselves about these conditions, and also the distorted body images we are presented with every day. Thus, we can go a long way to eliminate the need for eating disorders and eating disorders treatment.


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