Eating Disorders: What do I do if I think my child has anorexia


There are several things you need to do if you think your child has anorexia; one of which is research. You’re already doing it because you found this article. What research may seem obvious, but there are some things to consider as you seek information.

The first thing I would encourage you to do is make an appointment with a pediatrician child. Physicians are an important part of the analysis and are excellent reference sources.

If he refers you to a therapist to ask him what he knows about the experience the therapist has an eating disorder. Also see if he knows therapists particular approach to treatment. If he does not have this information, you can call the therapist and ask.

He can also refer you to a nutritionist or dietician. It is common for girls to forget what a healthy amount of food is and what foods are healthy if they are struggling with eating disordered behavior.

foods they should be eating they are not consuming and they may be eating some food above. Neither extreme is healthy and girls need a reminder of this. Sometimes they hear it more from a professional if they are not or will not allow you to re-educate them.

Keep in mind that the experts do not always agree with your concerns. If they do not confirm fears or concerns and you are still convinced that there is a problem; get a second opinion.

There is an alarming number of parents I talk to who tell the doctor told them that they were over-reacting. Months down the road when the child’s father was worse; only then did the doctor make the diagnosis.

Trust your gut feeling and do not give up trying to get help if you feel your child is weak or eating disorders. The earlier analysis; the better the prognosis.


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