Alternative Treatment For Eating Disorders


Eating disorders are an external expression of emotional turmoil or deep unhappiness. Suffer focus on food and eating as a way to avoid looking at their problems and to have control over her own body, when he could feel powerless in the world.

While anorexia and bulimia are probably the best -known expressions of this situation, there are many types of eating disorders, some extreme than others. Compulsive eating, compulsive dieting, binge eating, comfort eating, laxative abuse and faddy eating are all types of eating disorders

People with eating disorders do not like food. for them it is an addiction. Anorexics look at it as an enemy to be avoided at all costs. Bulimic choose food that is easy to throw; Binge eaters will eat whatever is in the refrigerator or cupboards, however unappetizing it may be, comfort eaters choose indulgent, easy-to-eat foods -. biscuits, cakes, sweets, white bread, all of which produce short-term satisfaction by releasing serotonin in the brain

Such distorted views of food and eating are different in each individual case and often have their roots in genealogy. Anorexia, for example; is characteristically associated with adolescent girls who suffer from low self-esteem and who feel powerless in their dealings with the rest of the family. There are other factors that affect the young people with this disorder; it is argued, with some success, to outside pressure has a major impact especially on young people who feel under pressure to conform to the current popular idea that “thin is beautiful.”

However, other eating disorders will also respond to a review in this area; staying fat in a world where thin is considered beautiful can allow you to step out of the arena courtship, which can be a target for people who are uncomfortable with the sexual relationship. Deciding that being fat can be a form of revenge, especially in the mother daughter relationship where the mother has been too dominant. Counseling and psychotherapy from a trained expert can help these cases, the reason for the decision to either eat yourself to obesity or starve yourself in nonperson directly.

Very few cases have a physical origin, although naturopaths and nutritionists can make an accurate diagnosis of thyroid function to see if any minor imbalance in the production of thyroxine may cause excess weight gain or loss. People who eat for comfort can answer course fun exercise to produce serotonin. Once they have done that, sensible eating regime may be, they can deal with the problem because they are unhappy from the rational point of view.

However, when the recovery is underway, a naturopath or nutritionist should be consulted to help establish a healthy, fun and nutritious diet and prescribe supplements to support recovery and maintain the new position.


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