Eating disorders Teens


Eating disorders can be a threat to their own lives. It can choke the life of the people especially the youth level. This stage can be very bad in the case of physical change. There are changes that can destroy life.

Most teenagers are unaware of the ill effects of eating disorders, which bring them to the level of consciousness such as stress, depression, obesity and hypertension at an early age. Teenagers get disheartened after getting trapped in these kinds of problems. They start feeling inferior to his friends and family, leading to depression and stress.

So parents should take an active part in helping the children to get rid of problems in life. They should look to each and every project is made of his child. They should understand their child and find the reason behind such problems. Child must be strong so that he or she is not lonely in their lives. This would happen to love and understand the child. At this stage, the child should not be scolded. Even you can help him or her in academics because children who are caught in the trap of the problem are not able to concentrate. And if there is no improvement in your child, you should immediately seek help from a professional. Sit with your child; tell him or her to follow a diet plan or be used to reduce plumpness.

Girls need more attention as they usually go mad when they start putting weight which can be seen now days. Girls follow the standards and the development of beauty. They are under the notion that by starving, they will not put on weight and this will increase their beauty. But it’s the wrong idea. Skipping meals will create diseases such as anemia, hypertension and-fertility. The girls are influenced by television, magazines and posters of celebrities. So, it is necessary to follow a healthy and appropriate diet to reduce obesity and continue to Fit, healthy and strong.


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