Teen Depression and eating disorders – Advice for parents


There is definitely a connection between teen depression and eating disorders, and this fact must be kept in mind when we are faced with this disease. Depression is very treatable illness, but it requires treatment and not pick up.

My friend lost childhood friend of her because she died of anorexia. We spent many hours discussing why this happened. Her parents had gone through a separation and we decided that this was the deciding factor as it was always pretty one. Towards the end, the mother said she needed rest while her father insisted that she should be transferred to the clinic would be closer to his home as it was convenient.

We’ll never know the whole story but the fact that teen depression and eating disorders are closely related is borne out by some of the statistics. Ranging from 60% to 85% of adolescents with eating disorders can go through a bout of depression at some point.

main reason for eating disorders resulting from poor relationship with food and body image dissatisfaction with them. As parents we need to do the following to any teenager can feel comfortable and can also be praised when they add.

1. There should be no comments, jokes or any judgmental comments about body image is teenagers. If it is then the youth will feel that he or she is worthless and that everything is evaluated on physical appearance. The media can take their share of the blame, too, but it is at home that we need to correct certain attitudes.

2. Parents need to set an example in that they are more comfortable about their body image and their relationship with food. Healthy eating habits can all share and full participation is required of all.

3. What you keep in the fridge is absolutely necessary. There is always food available and no junk food. As soon as the controls are off, research shows that kids just start over eat. The best way to avoid this happening is to teach moderation and a balanced diet and a parent is the best example of that.

4. Limit your teen’s media and the messages they convey of body image. There is confusion because they are promised body image and junk food almost in the same breath!

If we can teach balance and moderation, we are on track to succeed in exposing youth to a healthy lifestyle and the results will never be subject to hatred or for food.

If you want more tips to help you with teen depression, eating disorders and other behavioral problems, why not let the behavior therapist help you out. This is a self-study course and if followed, can give you peace of mind again.


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