Tag Archives: eating disorders in teens

Eating disorders children: Initial outbreaks


Most of us are aware that eating disorders are becoming more common and this trend would also seem to be increasing in children. These can often be life-threatening and even more so where children are involved.

Why increase children’s eating disorders?

Just like adults, they tend to load media stereotypes as a rake like the norm and the second is simply considered overweight. It also seems that if a parent or adult with them has become an eating disorder the child is more likely to contract the disorder as they seek to copy for their photos. It is also the case that the competitive aspects of life such as football, gymnastics, etc. together can feed an eating disorder in children problem. We usually associate anorexia with girls but it is becoming more and more common to see this disease get a hold on boys.

These children will not deviate from the so-called “norm” and if they do, they have a feeling of being over-weight and fat compounds potential problems. It is also possible that some children and adolescents with anorexia may also try to hide their problems by binge eating with subsequent vomiting, and this could develop into bulimia condition. Eating disorders in children may be more likely to develop with those who have suffered abuse, whether it was physical, mental or sexual. Whatever the reasons, this unwelcome trend has begun to emerge, as responsible adults, we must keep a close eye on possible signs of eating disorders in children developing countries so you can look for early improvements and medical.

any expression of a child about the need to go on some kind of diet could be early signs of a possible eating disorder problem but at least, a valid reason for concern.


How to prevent eating disorders in teenagers


Eating disorders are a group of conditions primarily associated with social conditions and psychological factors. They usually come from childhood, and advance by their parents and society. As a caring parent, you want the best for the young child. This is why you need to make sure they do not get affected by the destructive ideas and behaviors that can lead to serious illness or even death.

  1. First of all, you should consider their own attitudes and behavior towards the body and a person’s appearance, so that your child take those thoughts and beliefs as well. You should be a model for your children both thinking and behaving.
  2. Form positive attitude towards differences of people in body sizes and weights and educate them about the natural diversity of human appearance, genetic, geographical and other reasons. Also, teach them to filtrate the information they get from the community and our media of perfection and beauty.
  3. teaches the child to take Gage people by how they behave and what they do, rather than how they look. Explain the evil of prejudice and help them learn to form their own view of the world around them.
  4. not overemphasize beauty and body shape, and do not force any weight loss diet in young child, unless prescribed by a doctor. Never discuss their features or submit to lose some weight for some reason.
  5. Avoid labeling foods as good or bad, but to explain that any food is good when eaten in moderation. Excessive prohibitions and restrictions give the opposite effect and rebellions, especially in young age.
  6. Teach healthy eating habits, but avoid discussing the calories, fat and carbohydrate intake. Explain the importance of eating balanced meals three times a day minimum.
  7. Explain the importance of healthy exercise, but not for beauty or fat burning reasons but for health, strength and joy do sports. Show them the importance of feeling well in my example.
  8. Do your best to increase their confidence and identity in all possible ways. A confident person will never be self-conscious about their appearance and achieve perfection

And let me emphasize this again :. After the words of one you will hardly get any good results, the best lesson lesson taught by his own example.


Outpatient treatment for an eating disorder


outpatient treatment for eating disorders was the subject of an article published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. The article out-lined study questioned the effectiveness of the 60-week follow-up compared with 30 days inpatient eating disorder treatment, or 8 to 12-week program available today. The study looked overeating, anorexia and bulimia, stating that these are more difficult to treat of all eating disorders. The study was considered necessary and only research available was too short to assess the long-term success of drugs or the type of treatment used.

outpatient treatment for eating disorders using much the same treatment available to patients in treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy was the primary treatment used with patients in this study. The study showed significant improvement in symptoms 60 weeks group but of all the success rate was a disappointing 51%. The study showed that some success can be used for mental treatment in out-patient setting. The study concluded that certain patients with more complex problems would need more complex treatment.

outpatient treatment for eating disorders need to take into account the physical / medical health of the patient. The study failed to look at patients who need to be hospitalized for medical and mental health issues. eating disorder treatment can only succeed if we use all milieus and treat each patient on their specific needs. Out-patient treatment is a viable way of eating disorders but only in line with all treatment settings.


How to screen for eating disorders With 5 simple questions (The mock Test)


How can you tell if you or a friend might have an eating disorder? British researchers have devised a simple five-question test, which indicates whether you have a problem. Simply answer yes or no to these questions:

1. Are you making yourself S Ick feel uncomfortably full?

2. Do you worry you have lost C ontrol over how much you eat?

3. Have you recently lost O see fourteen pounds in 3 months? *

4. Do you believe yourself to be F when others say you are too thin?

5. Would you say that F OOD dominates your life?

This simple five-question test is known as a mock questionnaire. Each of the character is one of five key questions sick domination, *, fat, and food. Note the original “ O ” representative of the British gravity one stone, which is equivalent to 14 pounds. The original question was, “Have you recently lost more than O ne stone 3 months? That I meant that “ O Ver 14 pounds.

The mock screening tool was developed by researchers at George Hospital Medical School in London and the link to the free full text of this study is under the Links and Resources section (Morgan et al).

If you answered “yes” to any two or more of these questions shows that you’re likely have an eating disorder. Eating disorders are complex and life-threatening. Early detection helps you get better, earlier and with fewer complications.

Links and Resources

  • Academy for Eating Disorders (AED). AED is an international source for state-of-the-art information and members compromise multidisciplinary professionals from around the world.
  • Morgan JF, F Reid, and Lacey JH. The mock questionnaire: evaluation of new screening tool for eating disorders. BMJ 1999 ; 319: 1467-1468
  • National Eating Disorders Association (Neda). This organization supports individuals and families, and acts as a catalyst for prevention, medical care and access to quality care


How to talk to your child about eating disorders


Have you looked closely at our celebrities lately? But those in the United States are on the heavy side, our stars are thin enough to be prominently displayed. This sends mixed signals to our children, it can lead to major problems before they hit adulthood

There is good news. we can do something about it and many of us are doing it. Of course, the first step in teaching our children about eating disorders and proper nutrition is to provide our homes. A healthy breakfast and dinner, plus snacks that are low in fat and calories is a good start.

Very young children do not have the experience or ability to understand complex description of eating disorders, but as the kids approach pubertal changes. Teenagers begin to take their own bodies and those around them. Now is the time to begin to instruct them on proper eating and why extreme diets should be avoided.

It’s eating disorder really is. There are three types of distortion in this category. Anorexia, bulimia and those not classified. The latter usually has symptoms similar to the first two, but some varieties. Extreme overeating without clearing fits into this category.

When children approach puberty, start to take them with you to the store and explain why you are buying what you do. I suggest starting to produce shelf, and the number of nutrients, fiber content, etc. of fruits and vegetables you choose. Ask them who they like best, and make sure that some of them to come home with you.

When buying meat, the point of good cuts and bad cuts. For example, turkey breast is 98% fat-free most of the time, but the plain ground turkey is often darker cuts and they have similar fat and cholesterol count as some beef and pork. Untrimmed boneless / skinless chicken breast has more of these two ingredients and London broil or pork loin.

When we were working with our children, some of the magazines that they had access to, and various other media showed the results of those suffering from these diseases. While drawing the attention would not be wise, if they have noticed, they’re ready for you to explain what is happening.

We parents also need to watch out for the early signs of these problems are developing. Depression, unexpected weight gain or loss as well as changes in how much the child is eating can be an early symptom. If they are caught early, these disorders much easier to cure.

You may want to talk with your child’s pediatrician for other tips on how to talk with your child eating disorders. He or she can also help you to know whether your child is at risk for one. Working together, this is something that can be stopped.


Eating disorders Teens


Eating disorders can be a threat to their own lives. It can choke the life of the people especially the youth level. This stage can be very bad in the case of physical change. There are changes that can destroy life.

Most teenagers are unaware of the ill effects of eating disorders, which bring them to the level of consciousness such as stress, depression, obesity and hypertension at an early age. Teenagers get disheartened after getting trapped in these kinds of problems. They start feeling inferior to his friends and family, leading to depression and stress.

So parents should take an active part in helping the children to get rid of problems in life. They should look to each and every project is made of his child. They should understand their child and find the reason behind such problems. Child must be strong so that he or she is not lonely in their lives. This would happen to love and understand the child. At this stage, the child should not be scolded. Even you can help him or her in academics because children who are caught in the trap of the problem are not able to concentrate. And if there is no improvement in your child, you should immediately seek help from a professional. Sit with your child; tell him or her to follow a diet plan or be used to reduce plumpness.

Girls need more attention as they usually go mad when they start putting weight which can be seen now days. Girls follow the standards and the development of beauty. They are under the notion that by starving, they will not put on weight and this will increase their beauty. But it’s the wrong idea. Skipping meals will create diseases such as anemia, hypertension and-fertility. The girls are influenced by television, magazines and posters of celebrities. So, it is necessary to follow a healthy and appropriate diet to reduce obesity and continue to Fit, healthy and strong.


Alternative Treatment For Eating Disorders


Eating disorders are an external expression of emotional turmoil or deep unhappiness. Suffer focus on food and eating as a way to avoid looking at their problems and to have control over her own body, when he could feel powerless in the world.

While anorexia and bulimia are probably the best -known expressions of this situation, there are many types of eating disorders, some extreme than others. Compulsive eating, compulsive dieting, binge eating, comfort eating, laxative abuse and faddy eating are all types of eating disorders

People with eating disorders do not like food. for them it is an addiction. Anorexics look at it as an enemy to be avoided at all costs. Bulimic choose food that is easy to throw; Binge eaters will eat whatever is in the refrigerator or cupboards, however unappetizing it may be, comfort eaters choose indulgent, easy-to-eat foods -. biscuits, cakes, sweets, white bread, all of which produce short-term satisfaction by releasing serotonin in the brain

Such distorted views of food and eating are different in each individual case and often have their roots in genealogy. Anorexia, for example; is characteristically associated with adolescent girls who suffer from low self-esteem and who feel powerless in their dealings with the rest of the family. There are other factors that affect the young people with this disorder; it is argued, with some success, to outside pressure has a major impact especially on young people who feel under pressure to conform to the current popular idea that “thin is beautiful.”

However, other eating disorders will also respond to a review in this area; staying fat in a world where thin is considered beautiful can allow you to step out of the arena courtship, which can be a target for people who are uncomfortable with the sexual relationship. Deciding that being fat can be a form of revenge, especially in the mother daughter relationship where the mother has been too dominant. Counseling and psychotherapy from a trained expert can help these cases, the reason for the decision to either eat yourself to obesity or starve yourself in nonperson directly.

Very few cases have a physical origin, although naturopaths and nutritionists can make an accurate diagnosis of thyroid function to see if any minor imbalance in the production of thyroxine may cause excess weight gain or loss. People who eat for comfort can answer course fun exercise to produce serotonin. Once they have done that, sensible eating regime may be, they can deal with the problem because they are unhappy from the rational point of view.

However, when the recovery is underway, a naturopath or nutritionist should be consulted to help establish a healthy, fun and nutritious diet and prescribe supplements to support recovery and maintain the new position.


Anorexia and bulimia – Take a test of your knowledge


Question # 1: Anorexia affects mostly teen girls and young women; it rarely occurs in men.

A. True B. False

Question # 2: Bulimia is a disease that people limit significantly the consumption of food, and can diet level of hunger.

A. True B. False

Question # 3 Anorexia and bulimia are closely related to the problem in that they both are obsessed with food and fear of being fat.

A. True B. False

Question # 4: Bulimia is characterized binge eating (consuming large amounts of food is a short period) and usually end the binge because of abdominal pain or drowsiness.

A. True B. False

Question # 4: Most bulimic are aware that their behavior is inappropriate and that they have a problem, where anorexics deny they have a problem and reject offers of help.

A. True B. False

Question # 5: Among college students, 20% become bulimic and the percentage of those who are anorexic are even higher.

A. True B. False

Question # 6: Research shows that anorexics, the early history of feeling helpless and ineffective in controlling events in their lives. Anorexia gives them a rather radical way control.

A. True B. False

Question # 6: Many bulimic will induce vomiting overreacting and some may use laxatives or diuretics to lose weight.

A: True B. False

Question # 7: Because of the large loss of body fat female anorexics, many have stopped bleeding.

A. True B. False

Question 8: What the treatment of these eating disorders, anorexia has the reputation of being difficult to treat than bulimia.

A. True B. False

Question # 9: It is important that family eating disorder patient also involved in the treatment process.

A. True B. False

Question # 10: It is well known that sexual interest and libido (sex drive) decreases in subjects with anorexia nervosa as well as sexual behavior.

A. True B. False

Let’s see how well you scored .

Question # 1 is true . A higher proportion of women than men are diagnosed anorexia. One of the many reasons offered to explain this difference has to do with a general message that to be attractive to be thin. The pressure on teenagers and young women is high, with television and teen magazines, which bombard women. Early maturing women often feel a lot of pressure to be thin than late-maturing women.

Question # 2 false . Anorexics can become so thin that serious health issues are more likely and hospitalization may be required.

Question # 3 is true. Both of these eating disorders present people who fear being fat, where fear takes on a compulsive symptoms. This rigid thought patterns involves thinking about food and be thin on the ground recurring obsessions. In addition, other personality traits; introverted, social anxiety, perfectionism, over-control and depression.

Question # 4 is true. bulimic tend to have more understanding and less denial of eating disorders than anorexics. This was stated when I treat these disorders, as I pointed out time in time again, bulimic were more willing to seek treatment, follow psychotherapy guidance and want to participate in family therapy than anorexics. I believe that the research will support my observations.

Question # 5 is false. It is estimated that about 5% of college students are bulimic and even smaller percentage that are anorexic.

Question # 6 is true. In addition to voluntary induced vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics are often found. When all three methods are used to control the over-eat and be thin, many medical problems can cause.

Question # 7 true. Although menstrual bleeding appetite is complex, it is clear that their dieting found in this eating disorder affects menstrual activity of most teenagers and young women.

Question # 8 is true. The consensus of many medical and psychological experts is that anorexia is harder to treat primarily due to denial previously noted.

Question # 9 is true. The family is the primary social unit single family with an eating disorder will be the main concern for the family. Family members can strengthen the disease symptoms or encourage more adaptive behavior in the patient.

Question # 10 is true. It is well known that sexual interest is reduced in patients with anorexia nervosa. During treatment and rehabilitation, sexual interest is slowly returning.

Eating disorders are complex problems, both in terms of diagnosis and treatment. The treatment approach usually involves multi-disciplinary approach doctors and psychological experts. I’ve often taken Dietitians and nutritionists. If you have a family member with an eating disorder, find a therapist or treatment center experience in treating these disorders.


Parents can cause eating disorders children?


There has been a lot of talk lately about the roll parents causes eating disorders in their children, this is the case or not? It is a very sensitive topic because it is painful for families to even think that they are a potential cause of their daughter / son bulimia and / or anorexia.

I am a doctor and suffered anorexia and bulimia for over 15 years. Also I have been involved in the treatment of hundreds of eating disorder sufferers. Personally, I do not know a family that wishes to encourage eating disorders in their children. I would say to parents and family do not cause eating disorders directly.

However, I know firsthand that family atmosphere, parents style and undiagnosed mental and emotional problems in parents contribute much to the development of eating disorders in their children.

There’s a lot of research on the roll of the genetic predisposition to eating disorders. Yes, eating disorders have a genetic component as well, but it is only a vulnerability to developing an eating disorder not the disease itself that people can make.

People can also inherit certain personality traits that make them vulnerable to developing eating disorders: As perfectionism, a tendency to anxiety and depression, impulsiveness and competitiveness stubbornly. All of these can make people vulnerable to developing eating disorders.

It is an environment that turns people’s vulnerability to the disease. How people live their lives from birth that can make genetic weaknesses become illness.

first and most important environmental people is their family. Often people with eating disorders describe how in their youth they had a tense family environment where parents very strict and controlling. Children in families like this does not have much space to experiment and be free. These types of parents do not let the children find their own way in life, turning them into puppets who are forced to be followers and governed by strict rules.

In families like these children turn to eating disorders as a way to control their lives the best they possibly can and to find emotional escape in bed eating disorder them.

Other types of families overprotective one. Protective behavior puts a child so many restrictions that the child is likely to seek her / his freedom and escape in things like eating, non-eating and manipulating their own weight. These parents can not let the children be different than the mental image of them of them or how they think the child should be. They look at the performance of the child only from the perspective of their own desires and opinions.

Most parents in these types of families still want only the best for their children and do not even realize that what they are doing is bad for the baby. Many parents have their own emotional issues to deal with, which are still unresolved and deeply rooted in their own childhood. Some parents might even have a diagnosed mental disorders such as obsessive and compulsive symptoms or personality disorders. Because these problems have never been diagnosed parents are not aware of them and continue to put enormous pressure on their children and other family members.

Many doctors and therapists believe parents blame the disruption of their children is not a good idea, because parents feel guilty and shameful for the way they themselves are. These feelings of guilt and shame can stop parents from helping a child recover and parents even refuse to participate in the recovery plan of the child.

Nevertheless, it is proven now that if a family atmosphere remains the same a non – loving, challenging, restrictive and overprotective one, the child has little chance of getting better

The purpose of writing this article did not put a lot of blame on the parents, but just to warn families eat. disorder sufferers that certain changes need to be made in family atmosphere if the family wants to help their loved one recover.


Teens and Eating Disorders


Among teenagers eating disorders are very common. In the United States near where the teen and young adult women have eating disorders. Eating disorders have been increasing among teenagers with incidents doubled in frequency in the last 20 years. Although it is largely young women who have such a problem is caused due to insufficient diet, up to 15 percent of people with eating disorders are male.

When discussing this, it is important to consider their implications. The sooner one recognizes and acknowledges that the eating disorder the easier it can be to treat or reverse it. Nevertheless, many young victims of no such disorder struggle with it their entire lives. Eating disorders are very serious and can cause death among teenagers. Because of the severity of eating disorders, it must be treated in a hospital where there are trained professionals whose job it is to help young people with eating disorders.

A result of eating or distortion of this is they can lead to serious electrolyte imbalances, which can cause cardiac arrhythmia that can cause death. Another side effect is that most women and adolescents who suffer from anorexia risk having their bleeding. This leads to a decrease of calcium in the bones, an effect that may be irreversible. This often leads to bad osteoporosis later in life, a very painful condition. These women are also more prone to fracturing and breaking bones. Another big result could be the inability to have children due to irregular or non-cycles.

We do not know the exact causes of eating disorders, but they probably take many complex web of interrelated factors. Science, in the form of genetics plays a role. This is because there are components of neuro-psychological eating disorders and risk factors. Many teens and women with such disorders are perfectionists with low self-esteem, and may experience difficult to deal with conflict. Anorexia is a very dangerous disease that many female adolescents have to deal with. If you know someone who has such problems, it is very important that they get the help they need and deserve.
